Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity (TAPP) Launches New Website and Reestablishes Objectives

New Identity Reflects Current Goals for International Trade

WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 16, 2014)—The Trade Alliance to Promote Prosperity (TAPP) has announced the launch of its new website at Designed with improved navigation, the new web platform will support TAPP’s function as an advocate for fair and responsible trade policy, providing greater clarity and focus to the organization’s Internet presence. In addition to the launch, TAPP will begin an email subscription service, providing bi-weekly email updates curating news and commentary on issues related to America’s interests in international trade.

TAPP’s objectives and mission have also been updated to reflect current challenges facing positive and productive relationships between the U.S. and our existing and potential trade partners. “Steps taken today to improve American trade relations must be consistently foresighted,” said Patrick Rosenstiel, Executive Director of TAPP. “We’re building a stronger global economy for tomorrow with each link that is forged today.” TAPP’s guiding principles are as follows:

- Protecting American innovation and intellectual property must be a priority in trade negotiations.

- Successful free trade agreements will support many future American jobs.

- Trade Promotion Authority is vital to the success of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

- To support the global supply chain, we must streamline and enforce international regulations.

- Helping to strengthen the economies of our trading partners will grow private sector investments overseas and support jobs here at home.

TAPP will use these principles as the cornerstone to its continued efforts to promote the open flow of goods and services between the U.S. and other vital foreign markets.

About TAPP

TAPP is a growing coalition of American companies, workers, trade associations, opinion leaders, lawmakers and policymakers committed to building job-generating, global free trade partnerships, and to rejecting failed protectionist policies of the past. We support trade agreements that respect intellectual property rights and protect U.S. innovation through rigorous, comprehensive and commercially meaningful intellectual property obligations. We embrace cooperation over confrontation with all of America’s valued trading partners.

Ainsley Shea