TAPP Joins Radio Shows to Call for Reversal of U.S.-Imposed Tariffs

Executive Director Kent Kaiser joined The Dave Elswick Show and The Steve Gruber Show to discuss fertilizer tariffs. U.S.-imposed tariffs are hurting American farmers and consumers and punishing some of our longest-standing trade partners. Fertilizer tariffs are effectively a tax, raising the cost of input for farmers.

The Russian-Ukrainian war is hindering global access to fertilizer, as Russia provides much of the world’s fertilizer, and U.S. sanctions against Russia are understandable, but the Biden Administration currently imposes phosphate tariffs on one of our oldest and strongest trading partners, Morocco, and is threatening to impose tariffs on UAN from Trinidad & Tobago, as well.  

The high cost of fertilizer is causing food production to decrease. It is also pushing up the price of food. Higher costs for groceries and a drop in food production have the potential to cause a global food crisis.

By punishing our global trading partners, the Biden Administration is punishing American farmers as well as grocery consumers at home and abroad.

The easy fix to this problem: End the tariffs on friendly countries that supply the components for fertilizer, which is exactly what TAPP is calling on the Biden Administration to do. Listen to more in the radio segments linked above.

Ainsley Shea